Our Services Seismic Design
Seismic design plays an integral part in modern safety. A design change may be required to improve the seismic withstand capability of an existing structures, systems or component (SSCs), or a new facility may need to be designed with qualified resistance to earthquakes.
Based on our extensive experience and expertise in seismic engineering, we offer design services to enhance seismic withstand capabilities of SSCs, such as buildings, pressure vessels and mechanical handling equipment.
The potential risks of seismic hazards can be great and with a high financial cost, by proper analysis and assessment, EASL can provide a clear and cost-effective service, helping saving money, time and even lives further down the line.
What is Seismic Design?
For the SSCs for which seismic hazard is a significant design consideration, seismic design brings the design principles that would minimise or reduce the seismic responses into the standard design process. This can potentially reduce the cost of seismic substantiation/qualification of SSCs that have not been designed for earthquake resistance.